What sets Naturiz apart?

  • Naturiz is the method that applies nature’s law.
  • Naturiz can be applied to any type of sport.


Main motives to apply the Naturiz technique

         Research shows that the negative effect of gravity is the main factor in:

  • Spinal and joints problems (cartilage damage)
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Organ Prolapse
  • Gravity is measured at 32lb per square inch
  • Body weight across the joint increases by a multiple of 6 whenever a jump is performed.  
  • People who do not exercise have a healthier skeletal than people who exercise incorrectly.



Learning how to counteract gravity will:

  • Realign your skeletal frame.
  • Avoid wear and tear of joints and spine.
  • Avoid irreversible cartilage damage by reducing gravitational forces on joints.
  • Make you feel the difference between stretching ligaments compared to tendons.
  • Reduce workout time for maximum result.
  • Show you how a body lift starts with the musculoskeletal system


                "I decided to be happy because it is good for my health”    Voltaire (1694-1778)



  • Natural Body lift
  • Statuesque posture
  • Healthy and natural look
  • Flowing gait and glowing allure
  • Looking old is not about age is about alignment!


Naturiz is not magic, it is not marketing, it is simply following Nature’s Law!

“Common sense is not that common!      Voltaire